Urban Sports Extreme Park

Urban Sports Extreme Park

Urban Sports Extreme Park is a completely novel type of amusement park, which will give you the opportunity to try out extreme sports. The park consists of various zones where you can practice various skills and become a true professional. The first zone is “Dodgeball”, where you can test your ability to dodge balls. In the second zone, you will be able to fly through the air on flying carpets, while in the third zone you will be able to test your speed on a skateboard or in a car. There is also an arena for boxing and martial arts competitions – this place can quickly turn into an amazing show for those who want to compete with each other!

Urban Sports Extreme Park is a completely novel type of amusement park, which will give you the opportunity to try out extreme sports.

Urban Sports Extreme Park is a completely novel type of amusement park, which will give you the opportunity to try out extreme sports.

The park has many different zones where you can practice extreme sports – such as skateboarding, roller skating and mountain bike riding. Here, you can also take part in competitions or simply enjoy yourself while having fun with your family and friends. Urban Sports Extreme Park offers visitors a unique experience that they won’t be able to find anywhere else!

The park consists of various zones where you can practice various skills and become a true professional.

The park consists of various zones where you can practice various skills and become a true professional.

  • Skateboard zone: In this zone, you will learn how to skateboard and become a better skater with time. You’ll also be able to do some tricks here!
  • BMX bike zone: Here, you can learn how to ride your bike in different ways such as doing jumps or doing tricks on ramps. This is also an area where competitions take place regularly so if that interests you then come here often!
  • Trampoline zone: If jumping around is what gets your blood pumping then this place is perfect for those who like being active while having fun at the same time because there are trampolines everywhere!
  • Zipline/Ski slope: This area has two separate parts–one where people can try out zip lines (which involves jumping from one platform onto another) and another where they may ski down slopes made out of wood chips instead of snow or ice

The first zone is “Dodgeball”, where you can test your ability to dodge balls.

The first zone is “Dodgeball”, where you can test your ability to dodge balls. The game is played by throwing balls at players by a machine, which throws them at different speeds and angles. The objective of this game is to hit all the other players, while avoiding being hit yourself. If you get hit by one of these balls then you lose the game and must wait until another round starts before playing again.

The second zone is called “Free Throw”. This involves shooting basketballs into hoops mounted on stands around the court (or “court”). Players take turns trying to make as many baskets as possible within 30 seconds – each time they score points for their team! In addition there are three types of free throw competitions available: single player versus computer opponent(s), two-player head-to-head competition mode where both players try simultaneously shoot baskets from opposite sides around same basket stand area; four player coop mode where each team member plays individually against computer opponent(s) then combine scores together afterwards based upon how many points each person scored individually during timed rounds (i..e., if player A scores 10pts while player B scores 15pts but since they were playing together then both will receive 20pts total).

In the second zone, you will be able to fly through the air on flying carpets, while in the third zone you will be able to test your speed on a skateboard or in a car.

In the second zone, you will be able to fly through the air on flying carpets, while in the third zone you will be able to test your speed on a skateboard or in a car.

The first zone is called “The Circle”. In this area there are many attractions that allow you to test your skills as well as those of your friends: climbing walls, trampolines and more! If someone doesn’t like heights but wants something challenging then they can try their hand at shooting hoops with basketballs or even playing tennis against one another using ping pong balls instead of balls!

There is also an arena for boxing and martial arts competitions – this place can quickly turn into an amazing show for those who want to compete with each other!

This park has a lot of different facilities that can be used for various events. There is also an arena for boxing and martial arts competitions – this place can quickly turn into an amazing show for those who want to compete with each other! You can compete with other players in a tournament, or just watch it live. In addition, there are different types of competitions: archery, chess and even ping pong!

The Urban Sports Extreme Park is a unique project that will give you the opportunity to try out various extreme sports. You can test your speed on a skateboard or in a car, fly through the air on flying carpets and dodge balls thrown at you by your friends. This place will not only entertain all kinds of people but also help them become professionals in their chosen field!