My Perspective on Being Overweight and Overage in Taekwondo Training

My Perspective on Being Overweight and Overage in Taekwondo Training

I have recently trained in the Korean martial arts, and to be frank, it appears that my training appears to be completely fruitless – and it is not because I am unwilling to learn taekwondo, but rather It’s due to two important factors which have placed me on a handicap: being overage and being overweight. As much as I have untapped potential which can be used to serve a larger community, sadly these two factors are bringing me down like a prisoner carrying his heavy burden all day and night.

Being Overage

At the not-so-young age of 31 years old, paying attention to details is very different when I was just sitting in the classroom. It is a sign that I am getting older, and thus it is more difficult for me to learn the sport. Watching children learn the basics of taekwondo feels refreshing, but at the same time, it reminded me of my inferiority as I was then wearing eyeglasses. I started wearing them at around 6 or 7 years old, as I have inherited my nearsightedness from my parents. Being bespectacled for close to twenty years is a curse and a hindrance to my physical training and development, as I never had the chance to participate in sports. Most of the time, my classmates in elementary school would oftentimes exclude me from playing because of my handicap. I can understand their concern, but at the same time, it also amounts to contempt, because it only shows that …

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